
Membership dues are $20.00 per person per year. The year starts July 1. Families may join for $25.00 and receive only one newsletter.

Make payment to MMGS and send to:
PO BOX 16033
LANSING MI 48901-6033

(See listing of Officers)

Every person interested in genealogy, history, or biography, either amateur or professional, may become a member of the Society.

Membership shall be Active, Honorary, or Associate.

Active members only shall vote, hold office, and serve on committees.

Active membership (open only to individuals) shall be obtained by payment of dues, the amount of which shall be determined by vote of the Society. Annual dues shall be payable at the June meeting of the Society, and any member failing to pay dues following the expiration of the paid-up membership shall be notified in writing of the delinquency. If the dues are unpaid by December 31, the member shall be dropped from membership.

Honorary membership (without dues) shall be conferred by 2/3 vote of the active membership present at a regular meeting of the Society.

Associate membership (without vote) shall be available to organizations upon payment of regular annual dues.

All records and data compiled by the Society shall be accessible to members. Members using such data in publication shall make acknowledgment of the source. The Society is entitled to authorize publication of any material in its holdings.